The weak can never forgive
forgiveness is the attribute of the strong
forgiveness is the attribute of the strong
Happiness is when
What you think ?
What you say ? and
What you ate in harmony ?
A small body of determined spirits fired by an
unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history
Culture of the mind must be subservient to the heart
There is more to life than increasing its speed
In prayer it is better to have a heart
without words than words without a heart
An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching
First they ignore you
Then laugh at you
Then they fight you
Then you win
A man with a grain of faith in god
never loses hope because he ever
believes in the ultimate triumph of truth
My life is my message
If i have the belief that i can do it
I shall acquire the capacity to do it
Even if i may not have it at the beginning
The good man is the friend of all living things
Commonsense is the realized sense of proportion
Those who know how to think need no teachers
Nobody can hurt me without my permission
In a gentle way you can shake the world
Self respect knows no considerations
Poverty is the worst farm of violence
Where there is love there is life
Peace is its own reward
My life is my message
A man who was completely innocent
offered himself as a sacrifice for the good of others
including his enemies and became the ransom of the world
it was perfect act
I look only into the good qualities of men
Not being faultlessness myself
I wont presume to probe
into the faults of the others
The greatness of nation can be judged by the way
its animals are treated
I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles
but today it means getting along with people
Freedom is not worth
having if it does not
include the freedom
to make mistake
The best way to find
yourself is to lose yourself
in the service of the others
All compromise is based on give and take
but there can be no give and take fundamentals
Any compromise an mere fundamentals is a surrender
For it is all give and no take
Hate the sin , love the sinner
Health is the real wealth
and not pieces of gold and silver
An eye for eye only ends up the world in blind
There are people in the world so hungry
that god cannot appear to them except in the form of bread
Glory lies in the attempt to reach
one's goal and not in reaching it
I offer you peace
i offer you love
i offer you friendship
i see your beauty
i hear your need
i feel your feelings
My wisdom flows from the highest source
i salute that source in you
let us work together for unity and love
You must not lose faith in humanity
Humanity is an ocean
if a few drops of the ocean are dirty
the ocean does not become dirty
Love is the strongest possesses in the world
A satyagraha has infinite patience
abundant faith in others and ample hope
Mass illiteracy is India's sin and shame and
must be liquidated
Exploitation and domination
of one nation over another can have no place
in a world striving to put an end to all war
The fight of satyagraha is for the strong in spirit
not the doubter or the timid
satyagraha teaches us the art of living as well as dying
Keep your taughts positive
because your thoughts become your words
Keep your words positive
because your words become your behavior
Keep your behavior positive
because your behavior becomes your habits
Keep your habits positive
because your habits become your values
Keep your values positive
because your values becomes your destiny
I must reduce myself to the zero
So long as a man does not of his
Own free will put himself last among his
Fellow creatures there is no salvation for him
It becomes more necessary to see the truth
as it is if you realize that these people who have lost their personality
Live as if you were to die tomorrow
learn as if you were to live forever
A man is but a product of his taughts
What he thinks he becomes
A man is sum of all his actions
of what he has done of
What he can do
Nothing else